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What Parents Say About Bamboo Bubby Bags
Bamboo Bubby products changed our lives! 
Posted by Nicole on 15th Sep 2013
Bamboo Bubby Products combined with a new ointment changed our lives for the best! We'd spent hundreds of dollars trying to find something that'd work and were using socks on his hands to prevent him scratching - nothing worked!
He is now so attached to it and is only waking once a night instead of only sleeping for one hour a night!
Excellent warmth, no irritation to skin, wish it was smaller 
Posted by Astrid Dunning on 28th Jun 2013
I am thrilled that i purchased this product. My daughter is 5 1/2 months and hadn't slept in her cot basically since getting eczema. I have been managing with cortisone ointments and the likes but bedtime was always so difficult as she has eczema on the nape of her neck. I am so happy that i don't have to hold my girls hand for her to fall asleep and she doesn't need our body warmth from wearing cotton onsies in the middle of winter! Thank you.
I only wish you made a smaller size in width as she is able to pull her arms into the body very easily as she doesn't fill it out in width yet!
Stops hair pulling 
Posted by April on 14th May 2013
My son has worn this to keep him from pulling his hair out accidentally by twisting it at night as a way to sooth himself to sleep and scratching poison ivy. It works well!
Wish I found this earlier! 
Posted by Debbie on 18th Apr 2013
After ordering a sample, I decided to purchase one for my son to try. My son has eczema on his face and body. He's constantly rubbing his face in his sleep and I will find his face's skin peeling in the morning. After I started using the Bamboo Bubby Bag, my son's face doesn't look horrible in the morning anymore. The fabric is gentle on his skin and I also find that his body doesn't flare up! Must be the bubby bag working its wonder! Love it!
Great product 
Posted by Stacey on 27th Mar 2013
The bamboo bubby bag has been fantastic giving bubs a better sleep at night and during the day and peace of mind for me knowing his hands can't do as much damage. Lovely cosy material. Thank you!
What an awesome product 
Posted by Kate on 23rd Mar 2013
These are such a lifesaver. The bag has so many benefits. The best one is now my lil man can sleep comfortably and doesn't have the bother of those pesky mittens with elastic that cuts into his wrists. Yay for a happy and well rested bubby.
Great design! 
Posted by Joanne on 11th Mar 2013
Having used GroBags for my daughter when she was younger, we also used them for my son but found he was getting too hot and it was rubbing around his face/neck (adding to the existing irritation from the eczema).
The Bamboo Bubby Bag is lovely and soft and really does help with not overheating him. It is amazing how comfortable he looks in it and it generally doesn’t take him long to settle.
We also love that the zip does up from the bottom, whereas the zips on the GroBags started from the top which meant more fiddling around their face/neck. Great design!
Baby's comforter 
Posted by Jeanette on 3rd Mar 2013
This is a wonderful product! My baby loves it and use it as s comforter.The material is very gentle on his eczema skin, keeping him cool in summer whilst fully covered from the cold of the night. Because the hands are fully covered, he can't scratch himself at night which allows him a good night sleep.
cant sleep without it! 
Posted by AC on 31st Jan 2013
These bamboo bubby bags are a life saver for my 10 mo girl! My girl has eczema and scratches heaps in her sleep. But since using these bags, her eczema has improved so much... even when she does scratch cos of the softness of the material, it doesn't cause damage to her skin! And I must say Kelly has the best customer service ever!!
No more bloody sheets! 
Posted by Jennifer on 16th Jan 2013
My son has moderate eczema, and every morning we would find him with new scratches on his face and body and blood on his sheets. All that ended with Bamboo Bubby... his skin is so much better looking and he is much better rested (and we have less laundry!). I only wish we had found out about this product a year ago!
She now wakes up so happy, scratch free !! 
Posted by Chelsea on 7th Jan 2013
My bubs is 7 months old now and has had trouble sleeping due to eczema, she would wake up every hour screaming and tossing and turning in pain after itching herself and sometimes even causing her back of her neck to bleed. I heard about the bubby bag from a friend on facebook and then i seen it again in the paper and thought that i would give it a go. It was the best thing i could of done, she still doesnt sleep through the night but she does have a much more sound sleep only waking every 4 hours for feeds (which is normal for her anyway) but best of all she wakes up happy and scratch free. We couldnt be happier with the results of the bubby bag and how much it has helped our little princess sleep.
Posted by Jennifer on 22nd Dec 2012
Love how super soft this sleep sack is! Great color choices too.
Bubby Bags are fantastic, my son is sleeping so much better 
Posted by Polly on 14th Dec 2012
The Bubby Bags are fantastic, my son is sleeping so much better. He doesn't suffer from eczema but he seems to be quite a hot child and with the constant changes in Melbourne temperature at the moment, the Bubby Bag seems to help regulate his temperature a bit more. The size is great as he is quite tall for his age and I was struggling to find bags that were long enough for him.
It's the best money I've spent! 
Posted by Alicia on 14th Dec 2012
The bag is fantastic, from the 1st night Sarah used it there was a difference and she is sleeping so much better as she's not waking up scratching. It's the best money I've spent and seriously couldn't be happier.
Fabulous product, well worth the $$ 
Posted by Fiona on 13th Dec 2012
Great product, really helps to stop the scratching during sleep times (and any other seriously scratchy episodes!!). I have found the bags to be easy to use, and even though they may seem a bit expensive at first, the fact that they last until size 2 actually makes them quite affordable - my nearly 10 month old has been using hers for more than six months now - nothing else in her cupboard at 3 months old would still fit now! I love that it can help to reduce the amount of cortisone creams we've had to use, it's great to have another more natural product in our "eczema management kit"!!
This item has quickly worked into my essentials list after just one night! 
Posted by Yeeka on 7th Dec 2012
My baby is currently back in the bamboo bubby for nap time :) This item has quickly worked into my essentials list after just one night!
Ever so thankful to you for such a useful and thoughtful creation to reduce the heartbreak of seeing my eczema baby scratching and rubbing herself raw in her sleep :)
My granddaughter's eczema has improved quite a bit 
Posted by Jill on 6th Dec 2012
I bought 2 sleeping bags for my granddaughter and they have been great, her Eczema has improved quite a bit.
Wonderful service on a great product 
Posted by Sara Mori on 27th Nov 2012
The bamboo bubby bag has been great for my son's eczema. Keeps him cool and safe through the hotter periods. I love that it grows with the child too. The personal service has been outstanding. Thankyou.
It can't be a coincidence! 
Posted by Natasha on 27th Nov 2012
I dont know if it was the bamboo bubby bag or what but I just thought you would like to know since using it my 10 mth old daughters eczema on her forehead has completely cleared up! It cant be a coincidence ;) and she no longer scratches up her face!! Thank you!!
Loving the new improved Bamboo Bubby Bag 
Posted by Sam C on 14th Nov 2012
Well done Kelly, loving the new improved Bamboo Bubby Bag, it fits my son very well. I also have to mention again how gorgeous and soft the material is. Unfortunately my son still has eczema on his cheeks but the Bamboo Bubby Bag helps to reduce flare ups. Thanks Kelly
Stress free sleep for Mum and Dad 
Posted by Kim on 7th Nov 2012
My 5 month old rubs when he gets tired so much so that we were at the doctors every week for two months treating the raw weeping patches on the back and sides of his head. The only way to stop him from rubbing was to hold his arms down as he went to sleep, which at 3am was becoming really stressful.The first night in his Bamboo bubby I thought I would let him go for it and deal with it in the morning. 6am the following day I had a happy little boy with not a red rub patch on him! We are all so much happier since we got the bamboo bubby, it hasn't stopped him waking up in the night, but it has made going back to sleep a far more pleasant experience! Thank you so much.
Great Timing! 
Posted by Katie Cummings on 27th Sep 2012
The sleeping bag has been great. My daughter suffers quite badly with eczema and night/sleeptimes have always been a challenge. The adjustable arms are great and the fabric is lovely. She has looked much better in only 1 week of use. Thank you
My 7mth old loves his Bamboo Bubby Bag 
Posted by Bianca on 20th Sep 2012
My 7mth old son loves his Bamboo Bubby Bag, it is so soft & represents sleepy time for him :). I actually find it is far less constricting than swaddling or other sleeping bags on the market as arms are still free to move around in the adjustable sleeves and there is plenty of leg room. Thanks for creating something for all ezcema bubbys that stops them scratching them self red raw when they sleep. I honestly don't know what I would do without ours :)
Amazing Product!!! 
Posted by Loretta U on 6th Sep 2012
I purchased the twin pack bamboo bubby more than 6 months ago and we couldn't be happier with it. Our son loves it so much that it gives him the comfort he needs while trying to fall asleep. We have just purchased another so he can have one for home, one for daycare and one for when he stays at his grandparents house. That's how much he loves his bamboo bubby! I also have to mention how amazing the customer service is!! Kelly is such a sweet person and truly cares about her customers :)
Should have bought one sooner ! 
Posted by Natalie on 6th Sep 2012
The first time ever my baby has woken without red ezcema cheeks was the first time i used the Bamboo bubby sleeping bag , i love it and so does my baby girl . Thank you so much for selling such great items and being such a helpful and caring person Kelly xxx
So soothing my toddler asks for his Bamboo Bubby every sleeptime 
Posted by Naomi on 5th Sep 2012
My toddler loves his bamboo bubby and took to it immediately. When he gets tired, he takes me by the hand, saying 'Bamboo bubby, booby and bed!'. It's so cute. Tonight I didn't put him in it, and he tossed and turned, and when I finally realised what was wrong and put him in his bamboo bubby he was asleep curled up within 5 minutes. I bought two, and they are worth every cent.
Transition from swaddle to sleeping bag 
Posted by Karen on 31st Aug 2012
I was very anxious about the transition from swaddle to sleeping bag for my baby, and he had got to the stage of rolling, he hadnt ever tried it while swaddled but I knew it could happen, so I ordered the bamboo bubby, I liked it because it has sleeves - with my first child, she used to wear the sleeveless sleeping bags, as that was all I could find at the time, and she would often wake up with cold shoulders during the night. Also, he has eczema so I liked that the sleeves have the closed cuffs so he cant scratch himself. I bit the bullet on wednesday - wondering how long it would take him to get used to sleeping with his arms out after being firmly wrapped in a swaddle since birth. He loves it !! He lays in bed like a starfish sound asleep, I can hear when he wakes, he has a natter to himself and back off to sleep, unless he's due to be fed. I cannot believe how he has taken to it. I am so pleased with the bamboo bubby, I am about to order two more. Thank you!
We love the Bubby Bag 
Posted by Amanda on 13th Aug 2012
We love the Bubby Bag...especially Finn.
I love how I don't have to worry about him being too hot or cold when he's in it..especially to hot as he does tend to get very warm very quickly. I also love how it gives him the freedom to move in it...he loves to shimmy around in his cot so I often find him the opposite way to where I lay him down.
We love our beautiful pink bubby bag. 
Posted by Leanne on 27th Jul 2012
We bought it when our daughter was 6mths old and she is now just over 2yrs old and is still sleeping in her bag - her choice because she loves it so much, but she is able to because of the long length and great quality material which has lasted 1 & 1/2 years of washing. Great invention and great value, thank you.
Soft and breathable material 
Posted by Sam C on 24th Jul 2012
My son has eczema on his face, which gets worse when he gets hot. The sleeping bags keep him warm but not too hot and stop him from scratching his face. We tried mittens (which he would pull off), wrapping (which he would get out of). The sleeping bag has been a life saver, I just wish it came in different sizes as the one size is quite big for my little man. There appears to be nothing else like it on the market, so well done Kelly.
Great sleeping bags! 
Posted by Toby G. on 20th Jul 2012
Great sleeping bags. Stopped our little one scratching her face at night and good for winter and summer. Love em.
Best Sleeping Bag on the Market! 
Posted by Lisa F on 4th Jun 2012
The bamboo sleeping bag is the best I have used, it is so soft and the unique design of the adjustable closed sleeves ensures my son not scratch his face. The light weight material keeps my mind at peace that he will not get overheated or irritate his skin. I love the fact the bag grows with your baby makes it very inexpensive. Thank you so much Kelly Xx Lisa
Life Saver 
Posted by Rebecca on 23rd May 2012
Cannot believe how much of a help the bamboo bubby bag is to my son. I know that everynight he is fully covered and i dont have to worry about him scratching. The material is so soft on his skin and its such a good design. Thank you so much for making this product :)
Worth the money for peace of mind 
Posted by Aimie G. on 21st May 2012
Things are going well with the Bubby Bag, sure stops him scratching although it's massive on him still! The size 0 the arms arrived with is a bit loose, but i guess growing room! A relief knowing he won't attack himself at night. When he does sleep he sleeps well :)
Worth the money for the peace of mind that's for sure!
Bamboo Bubby material is the softest we have come across 
Posted by Jessie E. on 19th May 2012
As a bamboo bubby customer this is what we have found. I would suggest wrapping as long as you can, until they start to roll when wrapped (or in the wombie).Then when you have to unwrap the Bamboo Bubby is a great option. We tried PJs with turn over sleeves and they always came off or were too rough. Socks are too coarse when rubbing too. The Bamboo Bubby material is the softest covering for hands we have come across. Our son still rubs when itchy but there isn't really a way to stop that, so all you can do is minimise the damage they can do while you try to treat the eczema.
Bubby Bag for self settling 
Posted by Ally F. on 12th May 2012
Thankfully ds' eczema is almost non existant atm which is fantastic..finally!! But he stil sleeps in his Bubby Bag as he is very attached to it and uses the sleeves to settle himself :)
Our Bamboo Bubby has been a lifesaver! 
Posted by Andrea P. on 12th May 2012
I live in Central Texas in the States where we had 40+ days of weather over 100•F last summer and we are already experiencing unseasonable hot weather. If it wasnt for the Bubby to keep Cooper cool and from scratching we would have been back in the hospital many times!
Thank goodness for it! 
Posted by Claudine C. on 3rd Mar 2012
We were washing the bamboo bubby bag non stop it has never rest since we got it and even in the hot weather we had to turn on the A/C to put her in it so she had a good less itchy sleep. Really thank goodness for it!
He loves sucking on the sleeves as it helps put him to sleep 
Posted by Dia S. on 3rd Mar 2012
I had to wait a few months before I could get Aidan into his sleeping bag because his face got infected and he just kept scratching at it but after seeing the Allergy specialist we managed to get it under control. Since then it's been great and he loves sucking on the sleeves as it helps put him to sleep :)
Definitely try this as an option to an easier night sleep 
Posted by Amy W. on 21st Feb 2012
Hello, my name's Amy the parent of Bethany from 'Support and Understanding Bethany'.
The Bamboo Bubby Bag works wonders depending on the severity of my daughter's skin but generally is great, well made and the owner Kelly is a lovely caring amazing lady and there should be more people like her in this world xxx
I suggest people who have children with skin conditions definitely try this as an option to an easier night sleep.
We love the Bamboo Bubby 
Posted by Haya C. on 13th Feb 2012
We love the Bamboo Bubby, but more importantly Emmie LOVES it too! We can't wait to get the second one, so that she has one to wear while the other one is being washed!
Bubby Bag means Bed Time 
Posted by Kirstie M. on 13th Feb 2012
The Bubby Bag is great! The transition was made about a week ago when I could no longer wrap her. She is sleeping well and knows the Bubby Bag means bed time!
Katrina H. 
Posted by Katrina H. on 8th Jan 2012
My son was wrapped like a newborn till he was 16 mths old to stop him scratching his face. Bamboo bubby made the unwrapping process a lot easier until he learnt to stop attacking his face. He is 20 mths (still in his bag) now & his facial eczema has pretty much disappeared (only flares up with certain foods or if he is tired in the car or something) my only regret was not finding them earlier as wrapping a 16 mth old like a mummy everynight was no easy task.
Have highly recommended this product and this business to all my friends 
Posted by Teena M. on 8th Jan 2012
I had a small problem with my bag after a few weeks, but I must say the customer service I received in resolving the issue was EXCEPTIONAL!!! I would definatly come back to this business and purchase more when I need to. I used to swaddle my baby up every night so I was a bit nervous when i popped him into this to start with.. I would pop him in it during the day sleeps until he was used to it, as he would flap his arms around everywhere, but within a few days he was fine!!
We have had great success, the lack of scratching at night has really aided a more restful sleep. 
Posted by Catherine K. on 8th Jan 2012
The biggest change has been when we are putting him down at night- rather than spending an hour each night at bedtime with a baby who is frantically scratching and trying to get comfortable, Finn is now falling asleep much easier with no scratching at all.
He definitely is a better sleeper as a result! And as a result I am finally getting some sleep after 11 months of awake at least 3 times each night with itching.... thank you thank you!
Thank you for my sanity and also for keeping the beautiful girls scar free! 
Posted by Sophie B. on 8th Jan 2012
Having TWIN girls with different needs (one scratched her face and the other has eczema) I was searching frantically for a solution - before I became a total zombie from lack of sleep - I found Bamboo Bubby Bags. The Bamboo Bubby Bags are so gentle, soft and stretchy. Easy to use and wash. Suitable in all seasons and allow room for growth.
Buying a Bamboo Bubby Bag earlier this year was by far the best money ever spent
Posted by Alisha M. on 8th Jan 2012
Having a daughter with eczema covering most of her body since birth, I found it hard to figure out what to dress her in overnight, especially in warmer weather, that would enable her to get some rest, keep her cool and most importantly – stop her from scratching!!! I had tried a number of sleeping bags, all of which were way too warm and causing her to overheat which in turn made her eczema worse. I came across Bamboo Bubby Bags and was thrilled with the adjustable sleeve that not only encloses my daughter’s hands securely but has plenty of room to grow thanks to the unique design – she will be in it right up until she is too and beyond I'm sure.
The bamboo fabric is so gentle and soothing on her skin and the stretchy fabric will allow her to be comfortable as she gets bigger. Warmer weather no longer causes problems either – the beautifully soft bamboo fabric allows my daughter’s skin to breathe and keeps her cool which is so important for an eczema sufferer. She is now scratch-free at night and we are all sleeping soundly! We can’t thank you enough Bamboo Bubby!!!
We love our Bamboo Bubby Bag! 
Posted by Kristy S. on 8th Jan 2012
We love our Bamboo Bubby Bag! I use bamboo nappies on my son for their absorbency, softness and eco friendliness and the Bamboo bubby bag is all of the above! My son suffers eczema and living in Darwin he would get so sweaty and overheated. He would scratch his face to bits if I left his arms unwrapped, so wrapping him was essential, but also made him hot. Once he started to kick and claw his way out of the wrap I was looking for something to put him in that I wouldnt have to put socks on his little hands in! Enter the Bamboo Bubby Bag! Yay! It took a few nights to get him used to not having his arms wrapped close but now he sleeps fine and although he still rubs his face, its only soft bamboo against his skin so he cant scratch it up or irritate it further. The gorgeously soft bamboo also lets his body breathe so even though we are in Darwin, he can wear it without getting too hot. The bonus of the Bamboo bubby bag is that he will be able to wear it for a few more years thanks to the brilliant design that grows with your bub. Love it.
I LOVE the Bamboo Bubby sleeping bag 
Posted by Kristy K. on 8th Jan 2012
I was wrapping my little bubba till 9 months old till i found bamboo bubby bag as she was scratching herself waking up bleeding!! i put her in the sleeping bag had haven't looked back since i love it!! she cant scratch !! and the bag will grow with her !! totally love the adjustable arms and the bamboo fabic was just sooo soft!! thank you soo much!!
Bamboo Bubby Bags in Action!
What Parents Say about Eczema Mitten Sleeves
Wished I knew this sooner 
Posted by Michelle W on 20th Sep 2013
I was told to try the sleeveswhen I mentioned Mason's eczema condition to a few people in a FB group. After hesitating for a while, and a few more days of fighting with Mason to keep his hands from scratching himself during bath and nappy change. I though enough is enough and purchased 3 sleeves. Let me tell you, it is the best product I ever purchased! I've spent hundreds of $ buying cream to stop Mason scratching, but this is by far the best product to stop Mason hurting himself. It is stylish and can worn over short/long sleeve bodysuits or nothing at all. Mason doesn't seem to be fussed that he can't picked up toys with his fingers all covered up. He worked out he can pick the toy up by sandwiching his hands together.. Cheeky boy. Strongly recommend the sleeves! Give it a go, stops your baby hurting themselves, and gives you back sanity.
These are Amazing! 
Posted by Zebinusso on 15th Sep 2013
My 7 months old Mr Itchy has been suffering from Eczema since 6 weeks old and learnt various tricks to take of his socks and mittens. The sleeves are amazing that they stay on regardless how much he pulls on them!
Posted by Sandra Aggromito on 23rd Aug 2013
After being hospitalized due to eczema at 3months old we searched for mittens that my little boy couldn't take off. After using the sleeves for only a couple of days we saw a huge difference! Love how soft they are and that we can keep them on and just fold back the hand covers for when he's playing!
Thank you Kelly for your amazing products!
Just what every child who is suffering with eczema needs! 
Posted by Jane Kim on 15th Aug 2013
The sleeves give us peace of mind that we can now leave our baby without having to worry that she'll scratch her skin till it bleeds. So versatile in that it can be worn throughout the day. Simply fold over the mits for hands free time and fold back over for protection of their delicate skin! This is our sixth pair and we love them! Thank you Bamboo Bubby!
What a fantastic product! 
Posted by Traci Chambers on 26th Jul 2013
This is such a great idea, both my children suffer from eczema and I wish I had discovered it earlier. My 2y.o. had his first scratchless night in a long time wearing these, thank you, thank you, thank you!
Posted by Julia on 22nd Jun 2013
I've been using the sleeves for my son the last couple of nights and I must say they are fantastic! Not only that they stop him from scratching his drool rash and hurt himself, they also keep his hands warm during the cold wintry nights.
Very helpful products...thanks! 
Posted by Yun Zeng on 22nd Apr 2013
Thanks Kelly for your timely service and the very helpful products, they really help my 9 months old baby boy to keep his eczema under control!
ScratchMeNots are awesome for ALL babies! 
Posted by Hanna on 5th Apr 2013
My littlest man (7mo) doesn't even have eczema and his face is currently covered in tiny scratches just from being a clumsy little sharp nailed baby! The sleeves are awesome for ALL babies!
Good product, good service 
Posted by Julia on 21st Mar 2013
My baby have mild eczema and we usually use the sleeves for naps. They are easy to slip on over my bubby's clothes and don't come off like the usual mittens. He suck his hands and drool a lot and the sleeves reduce the amount of drool that irritate his face.
I was also impressed that Bamboobubby actually contacted me when there was a slight delivery delay (even then, it was pretty quick!)
Thankyou for the sleeves! 
Posted by Unknown on 13th Feb 2013
Just wanted to send you a quick thankyou for our sleeves. My little girl has had some really mild eczema which appears under control at the moment (I messaged your page for support a few months ago).
However she seems to really like sleeves to wear to bed!! I think she sucks her arm!! She also reacts really badly to mozzies. I saw your scratch me nots and thought I would give them a go when it's warmer and I don't want her to overheat. They are going pretty well so far :-) Thanks for your good service!
Excellent product 
Posted by Stacey on 1st Feb 2013
Am so grateful we found these mittens, my 10 month old has eczema all over his face. The mittens have minimised the damage he was causing by scratching. Especially good for car trips! I highly recommend this product. Thank you !
Fantastic product 
Posted by AC on 31st Jan 2013
My 10mo girl has eczema and keeps scratching herself, I have tried to put on mittens and socks to minimise the damage.. except she kept pulling them off! With these sleeves, she is not able to take them off and we can 'free' her hands when she's not itchy!!
Excellent product 
Posted by April on 22nd Jan 2013
Very hand for hot nights when the bamboo bubby bag is to warm but little scratchy hands need to be covered up!
Great products 
Posted by Unknown on 21st Jan 2013
These mittens r very useful for my 5 mth old eczema baby!
Amazing product! 
Posted by Stephanie on 18th Jan 2013
I can't thank enough to these sleeves. They are my saviors! I need to stay beside bubs ALL the time. Once I move away from her, she'll start scratching immediately. With these sleeves, I can just leave her and do my chores. These sleeves are the best creation ever!
Excellent product! 
Posted by NLM on 5th Jan 2013
The sleeves have been excellent for reducing the damage that our baby has done to herself through scratching. When she's not itchy we let her have her 'hands' and then when she's starting to itch we tuck her hands back in until it passes. A great product for summer when you want bub to be able to wear cool clothes but they need mits on their hands to protect their skin.
Love the sleeves! 
Posted by PJ on 2nd Jan 2013
My little boy has an auto immune disease which causes his body to be flooded with histamine and he scratches constantly day and night. He can't get his sleeve off like the socks we were using, and the silk means he doesn't damage his skin. Such a great find!!
Eczema Sleeves Saves Skin, AGAIN! 
Posted by Rebecca Zadow on 2nd Jan 2013
Love the soft fabric and stretchiness off the sleeves. It fits comfortably around the bubs shoulders and stops those little fingers scratching. Highly recommend for hot days!
A great purchase 
Posted by Justine Street on 9th Dec 2012
My 5 month old has eczema and constantly scratches his head. Since purchasing the sleeves two weeks ago his skin has been able to heel and is looking amazing. And he is less irritated. This is one of the best purchases I have made in a very long time! I highly recommend.
Love it 
Posted by Unknown on 20th Nov 2012
i love the scratch me not mittens. excellent to stop scratching day and night as they cant be pulled off.
5 stars 
Posted by Unknown on 19th Nov 2012
I totally recommend this product to other parents who have littlies with eczema - scratch free nights.
Amazing for Sensory Processing Disorder too! 
Posted by Susie Middleton on 19th Nov 2012
My son has sensory processing disorder and scratches me all night when he isn't getting the required amount of deep pressure input (ie being cuddled overnight) - we bought the sleeves to stop the scratching but in the end have never needed the mitten covers, only to wear his 'sleeves' as we call it - as the gorgeous fabric is stretchy it 'hugs' him from behind and he is sleeping so much better!!
The best thing ever! 
Posted by Nani Rohman on 6th Nov 2012
My 8 month old son has eczema which will get worse when there's a flare up because he can't stop scratching (especially while asleep at night when we are all asleep as well!). Thank god for this god-sent sleeves and now he can no longer scratch and his skin condition did improve tremendously! We can also put on thicker moisturizer on his dry hands & fingers and safely know that he have no chance to take off his mittens or put his fingers in his mouth!
So glad I found this website! 
Posted by Unknown on 22nd Oct 2012
My little one has very dry itchy skin so he constantly rubs and scratches till he draws blood or the skin weeps! I kept putting mittens and socks on him but he very quickly learnt to take them off! Lucky I found these mittens - his skin got so much better. He still scratches but he is no longer causing as much damage from the constant rubbing and I can finally work on "fixing" the itching and the dry skin!