What is the best moisturiser for baby eczema?

What is the best moisturiser for baby eczema?

Posted by Kelly Northey on 17th Jun 2024

What is the best moisturiser for baby eczema?

I am often asked by parents what the best moisturiser for baby eczema is and every time I find myself answering with the same advice - that yes there are definitely some great moisturisers out there that are better for sensitive eczema skin than others, however the secret is not always what brand or type you use, but in how you use it.

The best piece of advice we ever received throughout countless trips to doctors and specialist clinics searching for a treatment for eczema in babies, was to layer moisturisers from prescription ones (if they are used), to thinner ones through to thicker ones. By doing this, moisture is not only added to the skin, but a barrier is also created trapping this moisture in for longer and nourising and re-hydrating the skin.

It can be compared to thinking of skin like a brick wall. Without the mortar to keep it all together it will crack and break, followed then by a protective barrier like sealant or paint to add further protection.

Most major pharmaceutical brand creams developed for eczema are available in normal moisturiser or lotion form as well as thick, almost wax-like intensive creams. Finding natural and organic equivalents is a little more difficult but they do exist!