5 Ways To Distract Kids From Itching

5 Ways To Distract Kids From Itching

Posted by Kelly Northey on 17th Nov 2013

If you’re a parent who has a child with eczema, you know that the constant need to itch is both frustrating and damaging for your child. While measures like medications and eczema clothing for children can certainly help, it’s often not possible to get relief all day every day. One of the best ways to get kids’ minds off the itch is to give them things to do that involve enough of their brain power and energy that the itch takes a back seat. Today, we’re going to look at 5 things you can try out to help give your kids something healthier and happier to focus on while their skin gets some much needed healing time.

Game On!

Many parents find that games like board games, digital games on phones and tablets, or action games are the perfect thing to distract even the busiest kids from scratching. Games involve the brain and keep kids involved enough that their mind wanders less. When gentle, non-sweat-inducing movement is involved it becomes even more effective. Distractions work because a bored mind will find any little trigger to focus on. Games make it easy to get kids’ attention somewhere much healthier!

Watch & Learn

While too much television is a bad thing, short treats of educational TV can be a great way for kids to relax their bodies and minds and spend some time at peace. TV shows make a great escape for a stressed out kid, and it can be very therapeutic and healthy in small, regulated doses. Help your kids choose shows that will get them thinking and inspired – and make sure to decompress with them afterwards by asking them what they learned, what they liked best, or what ideas they got from the show they saw.

Walk It Off

A slow, non-intense walk can stimulate the senses and get the blood moving which can lessen stress and relieve itching. Going for a walk in a park, mall, or neighborhood can give your child new things to look at and gentle exercise at the same time. These in combination can help remove stress and tension while also helping the skin get needed blood flow and nutrition. A walk can also help the skin detoxify, and it’s a great pre-bath activity.

Bring A Challenge

If your child is learning to read, struggling with math, or working on a project, these things can be the best way to stop an itching pattern and get them focused on something else. Challenges need to be handled gently because excess anxiety and stress can actually cause eczema flare ups. Go slow, add in lots of praise, and make it fun – your child will learn and heal!

Ask For Help

Asking your child to help you with dinner, cleaning, siblings, or other activities can help boost their sense of self worth while also giving them a task to keep their mind away from itching. Any time an illness is present, cultivating esteem and self-trust in a child is essential. It helps them make good choices and learn just how amazing they really are no matter how their skin may look. Making your child feel included and needed can be one of the best ways to give their minds something great to focus on.

Do you have a favorite way to help your kids get out of a scratching pattern? Share with us in the comments below!