
3 Reasons To Massage Your Eczema Baby

Posted by Kelly Northey on 7th Oct 2013

Infant massage is an art in and of itself, but did you know that using massage for children with eczema can be an amazing help? There are countless benefits that come with bodywork, and children can benefit just as much as adults. Today we’re going to look at just a few ways that a gentle massage can help strengthen, heal, and detoxify your child’s skin all while showing them love! Before proceeding with any type of massage for your baby, make sure they are not in a breakout so that nothing is spread, and ask your doctor if you have any concerns.


One of the best benefits that gentle massage and stretching can do for kids of all ages is to help their skin detoxify. Gentle massage, rubbing, applying natural oils, and other movement can help stimulate the skin and get it moving in ways it may not normally move. Massage can stimulate lymphatic flow which can flush the skin and the whole body of toxins and help the immune system perform more effectively.

Until your child is accustomed to massage and its effects, start with small 3-5 minute sessions using extremely light, gentle touch.

Nutrients & Blood Flow

Massage almost instantly increases the flow of blood to the skin. As this happens, more nutrients and hydration can be delivered so that the skin can heal, repair, and strengthen more effectively.

A gentle massage or stretching can get the blood flowing and relieve soreness, itching, and aching – all good things when a child is dealing with allergies or eczema!

You don’t have to do deep tissue work to stimulate blood, lymph, and nutrient flow. An extremely gentle massage that focuses on the top layer of the skin with light circular motions is more than enough to get things moving! Watch the tone and color of the skin and when things start to turn pink, you’re all done!

Relaxation & Comfort

Stress and anxiety play a huge role in how well the immune system performs – and a calm baby may avoid many of the flare ups that an anxious baby experiences. Massage is a wonderful way to relax the physical body, soothe the nerves, calm the mind, and comfort your child with the healing power of touch. This is a great technique to use to help your child sleep, help calm them during stressful periods, or just to show them some active love whenever they need it most.

Massage and bodywork are also wonderful ways to help strengthen the bond between baby and their caregivers, and children who receive therapeutic massage are often more at ease and comfortable.

If you are keen to try these simple massage techniques with your child Bamboo Bubby also stocks two beautiful natural and organic baby oils (Four Cow Farm Baby Oil and Bentley Organic Baby Oil with Sunflower, Jojoba and Chamomile which can be used to further enhance your baby's massage. We hope you find it to be effective for your baby and if its something you both enjoy, consider learning more about infant massage!