Bamboo Bubby Sleeping Bag, Bamboo Buddy Pajamas& Eczema Mitten Sleeves & Tops The Natural Treatment for Eczema in Babies, Toddlers, Children & Adults
If you've tried every treatment for eczema in babies, toddlers, children & adults – every cream, every soap, every diet…you know eczema in infants and in fact at any age is heartbreaking! Every flare up is more frustrating and more upsetting, not just for your child, for you too.
Bamboo Bubby is the leading Australian brand for bamboo nightwear and clothing for babies, kids and adults with eczema. You'll love our eczema nightwear, daywear and bamboo mittens because you'll have more manageable flare-ups and a better night's sleep!
Did you know that eczema itching can intensify at night so sufferers scratch more in their sleep? Do you have trouble stopping the scratching damage during normal daytime/playtime activities?Bamboo Bubby Bag, Bamboo Buddy PJs & Eczema Mitten Sleeves can all relieve the symptoms of baby eczema, childhood eczema and adult eczema in three key ways:
Dry protection: Our bamboo-cotton blend is sourced especially for its low abrasion, natural breathability and exceptional wicking (drying) properties. Use Bamboo Bubby Bag, Bamboo Buddy PJs & Eczema Mitten Sleeves for eczema relief in all seasons.
No scratching: Our exclusive Bamboo Bubby Bag Adjust-a-Sleeve, Bamboo Buddy PJ & Eczema Mitten Sleeve designs stops harmful scratching day AND night.
Optimum safety: Every single Bamboo Bubby Bag is certified safe for use from age approximately 6 months to toddlerhood (which is GREAT value too!).
Unique designs gives your child freedom to roll, move…do just about anything they need to as kids, but scratch, in complete safety.
Relieve harm from eczema scratching day and night. Don't let their skin suffer from eczema anymore. Order some relief now.